
Neural Network

As part of the university practice, I had to produce a neural network to predict certain basic problems. I implemented this neural network through a class in order to use it in all types of programmes and by adding the maximum amount of possible configurations, making it possible to save and restore the learning data of the neural network.



sitplus_logoSITPLUS is a free software (GNU GPL) framework whose main goal is to provide ludic-therapeutic activities for people with disabilities. It offers new forms of interaction based on computer vision, voice and other peripherals to produce a result in the form of image and sound. Inspired by the cause and effect applications, SITPLUS provides a tool for continuous and remote interaction, attainable to the majority of people with cognitive, sensory and physical disabilities.

Personal University


This is a language compiler and virtual machine for a specific programming language. The language was designed by myself and by Fernando Arroba and was designed to provide a syntax and functionality similar to the one used by Div Games Studio but with the language addressed towards objects, in order to simplify complex projects. It was produced using Bison, Flex y C++.